Struggling with Bunions? We Can Help

Struggling with Bunions? We Can Help

Have you stopped doing the things you love due to bunion pain? When every step sends pain shooting through your foot, giving up your favorite activities may, unfortunately, seem like the wisest choice. Luckily, your Boston, MA, podiatrist, Dr. Frank Campo, offers treatments Bunion Treatmentthat can ease your pain and help you return to the activities you enjoy. Read on to learn more!

What are bunions?

A bunion is a bony bump that forms at the base of your big toe, due to a misalignment of the metatarsophalangeal joint in your foot. The painful bumps make walking uncomfortable and worsen if you don't seek treatment.

In addition to pain, you may also notice that your big toe feels a little stiff. Although stiffness may seem like a minor problem, it can change the way you walk, which may eventually lead to leg, hip, or back pain.

If your bunion is inflamed, you'll notice that it looks red and feels tender to the touch. Corns and calluses may also develop on the bottom of your foot and on the top of your second toe if your bunion causes your big toe to rest on top of your second toe.

Why do I have bunions?

Anyone can get bunions, but they're particularly common in women who wear high heels. The tight shoes press against the sides of your foot and add extra pressure to the front part of your foot due to the height of the heels.

Bunions may also occur due to arthritis, an inherited foot imbalance, a foot injury, or a deformity.

How can my Boston foot doctor help me?

Treatment depends on the severity of your condition and its impact on your life. In some cases, it may be possible to reduce your pain with tape or splints that improve the position of your foot.

Orthotics may be helpful too, particularly when paired with shoes that offer a wider toe box. The prescription shoe inserts improve the alignment of your foot and decrease pressure on your forefoot.

Ice and medications like ibuprofen and naproxen sodium can ease pain and reduce inflammation.

Although these measures can make you more comfortable, surgery is the only way to eliminate bunions. Bunion surgery involves improving the position of the joint by realigning the bone, tendons, and ligaments. Surgery is usually only recommended if you have severe pain and find it difficult to walk or participate in your usual activities.

Are you tired of living with bunion pain? Call your Boston, MA, podiatrist, Dr. Frank Campo, at (617) 248-8682 to schedule an appointment.

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