Taking Care of Hammertoes

Taking Care of Hammertoes

How your podiatrist in Boston, MA, can help

Hammertoes can be unsightly and painful, making it difficult to wear shoes. Hammertoes can also make it difficult and painful to walk or stand. The good news is, your podiatrist can help. Dr. Frank S. Campo at North End Foot Center in Boston, MA, offers a full range of Hammertoespodiatry services including hammertoe treatment. Your podiatrist can help take care of your hammertoe.

A hammertoe usually occurs on your second, third, or fourth toe. The middle toe joint is affected, and begins to bend inward. The inward bending causes your toe to protrude outward, and eventually it will resemble a hammer.

Hammertoes can be caused by wearing shoes without enough room for your toes. Your toes become crushed together causing your toes to bend. High heels can add to the problem because they push the toes forward.

You can do a lot to prevent hammertoes by wearing comfortable, supportive shoes with enough room for your toes. You can also stretch each toe individually with your fingers to keep tendons and ligaments flexible.

Home therapies can sometimes help with hammertoes. Remember to place cushions or pads inside your shoes to prevent friction and irritation. You can also take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and pain medications like Tylenol or ibuprofen.

Your podiatrist can help take care of your hammertoe with several effective treatments including:

  • Toe splints and other devices to realign your toe
  • Custom-made orthotics to help correct muscle imbalances
  • Custom-made footwear to help correct imbalances in muscles and tendons
  • For severe cases of hammertoe, your podiatrist may recommend surgery to realign your toe joint.

Hammertoes can make it difficult to stay active, but you don’t have to suffer! Your podiatrist can help you get permanent relief from hammertoe pain. If you have a case of hammertoe, it’s time to take action and get help. It’s time to call Dr. Frank S. Campo at North End Foot Center in Boston, MA. Call now!

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