Causes of Heel Pain and Treatment Options

Causes of Heel Pain and Treatment Options

Do you have heel pain that comes and goes, but is now increasing every day? If so, Dr. Frank Campo of North End Foot Center in Boston, MA, is here to help. Read on to learn how our podiatrist can sort out your symptoms to help eliminate heel pain.

What causes heel pain?

At our Boston area practice, your podiatrist sees many people whose heel pain problems come from a number of sources, including gout, arthritis, nerve entrapment, Achilles tendinitis, heel spurs, stress fractures, and plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammatory condition of the bowstring-like tissue between the toes and heel bone. Extremely common in the United States, plantar fasciitis results from weight problems, improper gait, and the aging process.

Whatever the cause, heel pain typically worsens when left untreated. Accordingly, if you're suffering from a tender heel, contact North End Foot Center for a consultation with Dr. Campo. He will ask you about your symptoms, look at your feet, analyze your walking gait, and take digital X-rays and other imaging. With this information, he can properly diagnose and treat your heel pain.

Treating heel pain

Much depends on your podiatrist's diagnosis. In general, pain should lessen with:

  • Rest from strenuous activities such as running and tennis
  • Elevating the foot
  • Ice to the heel and arch
  • Anti-inflammatory medications and/or injections (cortisone)
  • Orthotics (i.e. custom-made shoe inserts) that correct gait problems and provide proper arch support
  • A change in shoes (better arch support, lower heels, more room in the toe boxes)
  • Stretching exercises
  • Physical therapy
  • Massage
  • Nighttime splints to keep the proper foot and ankle alignment

In some rare cases, surgical intervention is needed to remove a bone spur or release the tension on the Achilles tendon or plantar fascia. Dr. Campo will compose a care plan specific to your medical needs, lifestyle, and other factors.

Find out more

No one knows more about foot health than the podiatric team at North End Foot Center. Dr. Campo can eliminate or manage your heel pain so you feel great and enjoy great flexibility and mobility. Why wait? Call our Boston office for a consultation today: (617) 248-8682.

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